Back in late fall of 2012, I had gone through a period known as 'The Dark Night of the Soul'. I was having some issues and was really beginning to wonder about my place in life and where I fit in...if I fit in. I think that a lot of people go through this some time or another in their lives.
I love inspirational quotes and such and began to actively seek them out as a way to get me past my dark thoughts and feelings. I sought out good news wherever I could find it because it meant a way for me to get away from the feelings I was having at the time.
It was on a friend's Facebook page that I found a quote that really resonated with me. I clicked on the quote and then was taken to another Facebook in which the person running that page would post great uplifting messages and I felt my battered spirit begin to perk up just a bit. I began to follow that page and even to write some of these quotes down. I also started to create new artwork (in my case, handmade cards) with these sayings written on them in calligraphy.
Every time I got on my personal Facebook page, I began to find even more inspirational pages and quite soon, the amount of messages of hope, peace and love that I was finding on a daily basis were beginning to take over my news feed. While on one of the pages, I came across a graphic that had a vintage VW Bug on it along with an inspirational quote. I love cars to begin with, especially the older VW Bugs. I was drawn to this page and began to follow it more readily.
The above graphic is one that hooked me and hasn't let me go yet. There are tons of inspirational pages on Facebook and elsewhere, but this one spoke to me the most...'The Road To ME'. It has become one of my favorite 'Go To' sites on Facebook.
Shortly after I found out about 'The Road To ME', I started this page and began to compile a list of people that I wanted to talk to. It came to me in a flash of inspiration to talk to Teresa, the lovely lady who created 'The Road To ME'. She inspires me with her outlook and her loving ways, not only that, she is exactly the type of person who inspires me in my own life.
So I reached out to Teresa a couple of weeks ago to do an interview with her and she has kindly consented. The following is the interview...
ATG-Have you always enjoyed writing? If yes, then was this something that began when you were a child?
T-Yes. Actually, I have loved English and English Lit at school; always loved the essay writing challenges and even dreamed of a book one day.
ATG-Prior to having your Facebook page 'The Road To ME', have you ever had anything published?
T-No. I went on to become a nurse and have studied with the profession for 30 years, only recently having to finish due to ill health.
ATG-What prompted you to start 'The Road To ME'?
T-I suffered a severe mental health breakdown around three years ago. My psychiatrist called it 'burnout'. It was a trying time for me and my family. I had tremendous support from my husband and two daughters, now 17 and 23, and close family and friends.
During my recovery period, I started to follow and became very interested in some of the inspirational Facebook pages and was always sharing quotes on my own Facebook page. I found them to be such a help, the positive affirmations I decided to have a go at it myself and so on August 6, 2012, 'The Road To ME' was created. Following my personal journey on a continuing road to health and happiness.
ATG-Did you ever imagine that nearly 40,000 people would like this page and many more are talking about it? (This number grows daily every time I visit your page.) People seem to get a lot out of what you post there.
T-Oh my goodness no! I had hoped that maybe a couple of hundred folks would like my page but it grew and grew. With each passing "milestone", I would laugh with joy and sheer amazement at how an ex-nurse, now housewife from a small village in Wales could reach now over 40,000 people! I still chuckle to myself and am quite happy to admit that I'm proud of the little road's achievements. It's a very special place for me with very special followers.
ATG-Did you ever envision that what you write and publish on 'The Road To ME' would have such an impact on people? I believe that you are a beacon of hope, faith, love and inspiration at a time when the news of the world is so bleak. When you respond to the folks who comment on your posts, you respond to them in a kind, gentle, loving way. I think this is awesome and we need more people such as yourself.
T-Bless you and thank you for your kindness xxx. My followers are very dear to me. The ones I've grown to know and newcomers alike. I feel deeply honored when someone takes time out of their day to write me a message; to comment on a poster I've made; to ask me a question and indeed to share some personal thoughts and concerns. I have tried and I hope that I've managed to build a good rapport with my 'Travelers' as I've always referred to the Road's followers. Replying to posts and messages is very important to me. I've been quite upset these past two weeks at not having been able to as I've had to spend time with my parents. (Teresa's parents' house was affected by a freak tornado in Wales). The love everyone has shown me at this time has been totally overwhelming and I am so grateful. I feel really blessed.
ATG-Who or what inspires you?
T-Oh my goodness...I have so many folks that I look up to and admire, there have been so many who inspire me. I love the words and work of Maya Angelou and Marianne Williamson and my likes are quite varied from Anne Lammott to Anais Nin, Paolo Coelho to Terry Pratchett. There are so many gifted and inspiring men and women around. I am so lucky to be able to share their words and work through the medium of posters on the Road.
ATG-Do you have any quotes that you live by?
T-During the many changes that were taking place in my life after my illness and indeed the changes that continue daily, that is life...there is one quote in particular that stays with me...'If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies' Change always frightened I embrace it and run with it.
ATG-Do you have any advice for someone that might like to start a page like 'The Road To ME'? There could be people out there that might like to do this but aren't sure where to start.
T-When I first started the little page, so many other 'bigger' pages were always so helpful. I would always say go for it and don't be afraid to ask! People, on the whole, especially the inspirational page owners, are very very helpful and always keen to make sure that the pages are shared and run correctly. It's been a wonderful way of making friends from all over the world!
ATG-Do you write on any other forms of social media, such as Twitter, Tumblr or anything else of that nature?
T-At the moment, no.
You can find Teresa's awesome page on Facebook...'The Road To ME' with all the heartfelt quotes and great VW art.